Tuesday 14:30-16:15 in room - (No Lecture 18 December)
Thursday 10:30-12:15 in room - (No Lecture 11 October)
Tuesday 12:30 - 14:00 in room (Starting 30 October; No class on 18 December)
This course covers the special treatment of hyperbolic conservation laws using higher order methods such as the Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) scheme and the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme. A discussion of the special considerations for hyperbolic equations will be considered and the WENO scheme in both a finite difference and finite volume framework will be given. As an alternative approach, the theory and application of discontinuous Galerkin methods will be presented. Students will be able to evaluate these methods through their application to scalar linear and nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws as well as their application to the compressible Euler equations.
Further course information can be found here.
als Master-Modul Angewandte Mathematik, Numerik
Die Kreditpunkte werden bei Bestehen der mündlichen Prüfung vergeben.
Die aktive und erfolgreiche Mitarbeit in den Übungen sowie 40% der maximal
zu erreichenden Übungspunkte werden für die Zulassung zur Prüfung vorausgesetzt.