Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics



Time and room


Monday 10:30-12:15 in room -
Wednesday 10:30-12:15 in room -


Monday 14:30-16:00 in room - 25.22.U1.33
Tuesday 08:30-10:00 in room - (On 26/6, in room


This course introduces bachelor students in mathematical sciences to the basics of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with a focus on understanding how to translate model equations to computational techniques. The course will begin by outlining the development of the basic equations of fluid mechanics, specifically aerodynamics. As part of this, forms of the governing equations of fluid motion will be discussed as well as the theory and applicability of potential flow. A comparison of the treatment of viscous versus inviscid equations will be discussed. This will require an understanding of basic issues of spatial and temporal accuracy. Students will acquire knowledge of the basic theory behind CFD and develop their ability to become an intelligent code user. The course will explore the basics of grid generation, use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solvers, and post-processing, using state-of-the-art tools. To make intelligent use of these tools, a basic understanding of computational methods is taught, including topics such as stability, accuracy, shock capturing, and turbulence modeling. The computational tools will be used to gain insight into various aerodynamic phenomena, such as vortices, boundary layers and shocks. To accomplish these goals students will

Information on the CFD seminar.


als Bachelor-Modul Angewandte Mathematik, Bereich Numerik/Optimierung

Die Kreditpunkte werden bei Bestehen der mündlichen Prüfung vergeben.
Die aktive und erfolgreiche Mitarbeit in den Übungen sowie 40% der maximal
zu erreichenden Übungspunkte werden für die Zulassung zur Prüfung vorausgesetzt.

Homework problems (pdf)

Additional material



· Datenschutzlast modified on: 23 April 2018 at 3:41pm.